Sonic 3 Logo

Now decending onto Angel Island.

Sonic 3 was released in 1994 for the Sega Genesis (Mega Drive).

It directly followed from the story of Sonic 2, and built further off of

what that game added to the Sonic formula.

Sonic 3 was one of my first official Sonic games thanks to its inclusion

in Sonic Classic Collection on the Nintendo DS, and was the first Sonic

game I ever beat. As such, it holds a special place for me. :)

The Story

After his defeat in Sonic 2, Dr. Eggman finds his space station, the Death Egg,

has crash landed on the mysterious Angel Island. The protector of the Island,

an echidna named Knuckles, immediately questions the doctor on what he's doing here and why.

Dr. Eggman quickly explains to Knuckles that he is a kind hearted scientist who was studying

the space station, when all of a sudden, a hedgehog named Sonic broke in, and with the power

of the 7 Chaos Emeralds, took the Doctor out and sent the space station crashing onto the island.

Eggman also tells Knuckles that him and Tails are trying to steal the Master Emerald, the

gemstone that Knuckles, as the last of his anchient tribe, has sworn to protect.

Knuckles, none the wiser, believes Dr. Eggman, agreeing to team up with him to get the space

station functioning again so it can get off the island, and stop Sonic from taking the Master


Sonic and his new friend Tails, aware of the Death Egg having crash landed on the island,

fly to it with the Tornado, Sonic's plane. Knuckles, seeing them arrive, lands a

cheap shot on Sonic, knocking him out of his Super Form and back onto the ground.

He quickly snatches the Chaos Emeralds from the hedgehog, proclaiming that he will not

let Sonic destroy the island or take the Master Emerald. Sonic and Tails, confused, watch

Knuckles run off before continuing on their quest to stop Dr. Eggman.

Throughout the levels of the game (Zones), Knuckles uses his knowledge of his home,

Angel Island, to impeede Sonic's progress towards the Hidden Palace, the hidden underground

cavern where the Master Emerald is currently located. When Sonic arrives, the two fight each

other, in Knuckles' last itched attempt to stop Sonic. But when the battle is over, they both

hear a commotion from the Master Emerald's location. Upon reaching the underground shrine,

they find that Dr. Eggman has arrived to steal the Master Emerald! Seeing this, Knuckles realizes

the doctors true intentions, and starts attacking him, but Eggman electrocutes the emerald's

guardian, knocking him to the floor, which proceeds to collapse. Knuckles, now realizing the truth

of the situation, appologizes to Sonic and Tails, and leads them to the Sky Sanctuary, the only

place on Angel Island where they can get back to the Death Egg and stop Dr. Eggman.

After defeating the Death Egg Robot MK 2, Eggman flees to one final ship,

flying through space. But Sonic uses the power of the Chaos and Super Emeralds to chase after

the doctor, and defeats him once and for all. As he decends to Mobius' sky once again, Sonic

detransforms and lands on the Tornado, where Tails releases an arm from the tail of the plane

to catch the Master Emerald. Sonic and Tails fly to Angel Island, and return the Master Emerald

to its old altar on the island. Knuckles thanks them, and they all part ways, with

Sonic and Knuckles becoming friends and friendly rivals.

As he relaxes from the events that just unfolded, Knuckles is startled by a bomb

being dropped in front of him! An Egg Robo, one of Eggman's Badniks, has decided to try

and fufill the doctor's plans himself! Enraged by the second Emerald-napping, Knuckles sets out

to save his island and the Master Emerald again, along the way proving that he is the true master

of Angel Island, by taking different, more direct paths than Sonic and Tails did.

Knuckles fights Egg Robo until he reaches the remnants of the Sky Sanctuary,

where he finds that the Egg Robo has repaired Mecha Sonic and has allowed him to finish the

plans, with the Egg Robo sacrificing itself to initiate the battle between Knuckles and

Mecha Sonic. The fight evolves as Mecha Sonic, upon inital defeat charges over to where

the Master Emerald was taken, and uses its power to become Super Mecha Sonic for

short periods of time.

Once defeated, Knuckles grabs the Master Emerald as the Sky Sanctuary starts to fall apart.

Mecha Sonic blows up and, once the light of the explosion fades, Knuckles finds that Sonic has

hopped into the pilot's seat of his bi-plane and has flown up to save the echidna and the

Master Emerald. Knuckles thanksthe blue hedgehog, and they fly to Angel Island,

where Knuckles returns the Master Emerald to its altar once more, and the hedgehog

and echindna part ways again, until another adventure...

The Gameplay

(Coming Soon!)

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