Sonic Action Figures!

Gotta Go Fast!

I enojy action figures, I enjoy Sonic, so it's only natural that I'd own

lots of Sonic figures!

Here's photos of my collection as of 9/17/2024!

Sonic figure collection part 1 part 2 part 3

Sonic figure collection part 4 part 5 part 6

Sonic figure collection part 7 part 8 part 9

And here's a full list:

Still trying to get the Movie 2 Giant Robotnik Robot playset!

I'm also planning on getting the Oil Ocean Zone Diorama Pack, and

Sonic 3 5" Wave 2 (except Knuckles), 4 Pack and 2.5" Multi-pack with Agent Stone.

Update 12/7/2024 - I FOUND MOVIE 3 5" SUPER SONIC!!!

super sonic!

He's really cool! He's got all the great articulation of the other normal

5" figures, with a great Super Sonic head scuplt to go with it. They did

give him a smiling face again, but I think it works better here.

super sonic with tails and shadow

4 out of 15 Sonic 3 5" figures now.

It's mostly waiting for the right time to get the 4 pack, and for Waves 2

and 3 to release and become easier to find.

Target recently listed online that there'll soon be a new 2.5" multi-pack,

and it features Agent Stone! Definitely gonna have to get that pack when

it releases, here's hoping they make a 5" figure of him!

Update 11/29/2024 - I FOUND MOVIE 3 2.5" SUPER SONIC

super sonic!

He's really cool! They gave him a really cool pearl gold color that

makes him look like he's glowing, and he's actually angry! The Movie 2

Super Sonic was smiling, and they made his head out of a rubbery plastic

for some reason. This new one is much better!

super sonic at oil ocean

For now I have all the Movie 2.5" figures, so now it's down to the 5" line.

Update 11/27/2024 - I got the 2024 Advent Calendar!

sonic 2024 advent calendar

The calendar includes Christmas themed versions of Classic Sonic,

Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Robotnik, alongside a Chopper and Crabmeat,

a Flicky, some monitors, rings, 2 springs, all 7 Chaos Emeralds,

and a present accessory!

sonic 2024 advent contents

I adore the Christmas figures, and I'm happy to have all 7 Chaos Emeralds.

Update 10/11/2024 - I found the 5" Tails!

sonic movie 3 5 inch scale tails and shadow figures

The Target I got him at had many Sonic and Robotnik figures, two Shadow

figures, and only 1 Tails. They didn't have the Light-Up pack in.

3 down, 7 to go.

I also got the Oil Ocean Playset!

sonic 2.5 inch scale oil ocean zone set

It's pretty cool! It looks really good and has fun play features.

Update 10/1/2024 - I found the 5" Shadow!

sonic movie 3 5 inch scale shadow figure

An employee brought him out from the back for me, he was the only one they had.

They only had Sonic and Robotnik otherwise, no Tails. :(

2 down, 8 to go.

I also saw the 2.5" Crab Mech playset, but didn't grab it.
sonic movie 3 2.5 inch scale crab mech set

It's not that i'm uninterested in it, I just don't want it at the moment.

Update 9/15/2024 - I found the 5" figures at Target!!

Sonic 3 Display at Target Another angle of the display The 5'' figures

I could only get one, so I got the one Sonic they had. Shockingly, he wasn't locked behind

a street date, so I got him no problem.

Sonic figure

Now next month I get to continue the collection! I hope I can find the set with

Shadow and his motorbike from the first trailer.

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