Gotta Go Fast!
I enojy action figures, I enjoy Sonic, so it's only natural that I'd own
lots of Sonic figures!
Here's photos of my collection as of 9/17/2024!

And here's a full list:
2.5" Sonic (Movie 2, Movie 3 Normal & Super,)
2.5" Sonic (Classic Happy, Angry & Christmas [2 Versions], Modern Super)
2.5" Tails (Movie 2, Movie 2 Plane Pilot, Classic Christmas [Green & Blue Sweaters])
2.5" Knuckles (Movie 2, Movie 3, Classic Christmas [2022/2024])
2.5" Shadow (Movie 3, Modern)
2.5" Amy (Modern, Classic Christmas)
2.5" Eggman (Classic Eggmobile Set; Easter & Christmas, Modern, Movie 2, Movie 3)
2.5" Metal Sonic
2.5" Silver Sonic [the robot sonic from 16-Bit Sonic 2]
2.5" Motobug
2.5" Buzz Bomber (Movie)
2.5" Crabmeat (x3)
2.5" Chopper
2.5" Newtron
2.5" Caterkiller
2.5" Rhinobot
2.5" Charmy Bee
2.5" Fang The Sniper
2.5" Rouge
4" Sonic (Modern Normal & Super, Movie 2 Normal; Charged & Super)
4" Tails (Modern, Movie 2 Plane Pilot)
4" Knuckles (Movie 2 Normal & Charged)
4" Amy (Modern)
4" Silver (Normal and Super)
4" Cream
4" Blaze
4" Espio
4" Silver Sonic [the robot sonic from 16-Bit Sonic 2]
4" Eggrobo
4" Metal Sonic (Metalic Jakks Gold version)
4" Chaos 0
4" Infinite
5" Movie Sonic (Normal, Super)
5" Movie Tails (Happy)
5" Movie Shadow (Neutral)
Green Hill Playset
Studiopolis Playset
Flying Battery Playset
Stardust Speedway (Past) Playset
Oil Ocean Playset
Eggmobile Playset
Movie 2 Tornado Playset
Level Clear Diorama Pack
Still trying to get the Movie 2 Giant Robotnik Robot playset!
I'm also planning on getting the Oil Ocean Zone Diorama Pack, and
Sonic 3 5" Wave 2 (except Knuckles), 4 Pack and 2.5" Multi-pack with Agent Stone.
Update 12/7/2024 - I FOUND MOVIE 3 5" SUPER SONIC!!!

He's really cool! He's got all the great articulation of the other normal
5" figures, with a great Super Sonic head scuplt to go with it. They did
give him a smiling face again, but I think it works better here.

4 out of 15 Sonic 3 5" figures now.
It's mostly waiting for the right time to get the 4 pack, and for Waves 2
and 3 to release and become easier to find.
Target recently listed online that there'll soon be a new 2.5" multi-pack,
and it features Agent Stone! Definitely gonna have to get that pack when
it releases, here's hoping they make a 5" figure of him!
Update 11/29/2024 - I FOUND MOVIE 3 2.5" SUPER SONIC

He's really cool! They gave him a really cool pearl gold color that
makes him look like he's glowing, and he's actually angry! The Movie 2
Super Sonic was smiling, and they made his head out of a rubbery plastic
for some reason. This new one is much better!

For now I have all the Movie 2.5" figures, so now it's down to the 5" line.
Update 11/27/2024 - I got the 2024 Advent Calendar!

The calendar includes Christmas themed versions of Classic Sonic,
Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Robotnik, alongside a Chopper and Crabmeat,
a Flicky, some monitors, rings, 2 springs, all 7 Chaos Emeralds,
and a present accessory!

I adore the Christmas figures, and I'm happy to have all 7 Chaos Emeralds.
Update 10/11/2024 - I found the 5" Tails!

The Target I got him at had many Sonic and Robotnik figures, two Shadow
figures, and only 1 Tails. They didn't have the Light-Up pack in.
3 down, 7 to go.
I also got the Oil Ocean Playset!

It's pretty cool! It looks really good and has fun play features.
Update 10/1/2024 - I found the 5" Shadow!

An employee brought him out from the back for me, he was the only one they had.
They only had Sonic and Robotnik otherwise, no Tails. :(
2 down, 8 to go.
I also saw the 2.5" Crab Mech playset, but didn't grab it.
It's not that i'm uninterested in it, I just don't want it at the moment.
Update 9/15/2024 - I found the 5" figures at Target!!

I could only get one, so I got the one Sonic they had. Shockingly, he wasn't locked behind
a street date, so I got him no problem.

Now next month I get to continue the collection! I hope I can find the set with
Shadow and his motorbike from the first trailer.